Filling hose safety system / gas displacement safety system

Meets both the requirements of water resources legislation on filling hose safety systems and of the 20th German ordinance on the implementation of the Federal Immission Control Act (BImschV) relating to gas displacement safety systems.

For dome or long-distance filling shafts:
Additional safety through low-wearing latching interrogation system by means of reed sensor devices. A variety of versions facilitate optimal coordination to existing shaft and vehicle systems.

For tank vehicles:
Additional safety by means of low-wear latching interrogation with modified coupling nuts. Safe product transfer to a wide variety of petrol station equipment.

Contact for this product:

Max Müller
Max MüllerManaging Director
Phone: +49 (2373) 39307-11
Fax: +49 (2373) 39307-20
Mobile: +49 (171) 5625219
Email: mm@luebbering-umwelttechnik.de